Efficacy Benefits Highly Abundant basil leaves
The following is a benefit and Gynecology In The basil leaves For Health in the Human Body
There basil leaves in the content or composition of the nutrient per 10 gram:
Nutritional levels of substances
Energy (kcal) 46
Protein (g) 4.0
Fat (g) 0.5
Carbohydrate (g) 8.9
Calcium (mg) 45
Phosphorus (mg) 75
Iron (mg) 2
Vitamin A (RE) 750
Vitamin B (mg) 0:08
Vitamin C (mg) 50
Water (g) 85
Benefits of Basil Leaves:
Basil leaves for fevers and colds in Toddlers. How: Take a few leaves of basil, then kneaded with onions and coconut oil, anaesthetized applied to the abdomen, chest, and back, will overcome flatulence / colds and fever in children under five.
Able to facilitate breastfeeding. Direct consumption / salad made of fresh basil leaves are believed to prevent body odor and bad breath, as well as facilitate breastfeeding.
Basil can delay menopause. Tryptophan content of substances in basil leaves can postpone menopause. So multiply the consumption of basil if you want to delay the menopause mass.
Kill the fungi that cause vaginal discharge. Eugenol containing compounds can kill the fungus causes vaginal discharge.
Assist egg maturation (ovulation): Substance Content stigmaasterol in basil stimulates egg maturation (ovulation).
As the Anti- Inflammation. Substances cineole, myrcene and eugenol serve as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.
Maintaining heart health. The content of beta-carotene and magnesium in the basil, which is an important mineral that serves to keep and maintain a healthy heart
Improve the function of the arteries (artery) in stroke patients. Isoflavone content in basil and also found in legumes such as soybeans, beans, peas, can improve the function of the arteries (artery) in stroke patients.
Basil proven to cure for headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms, and kidney disorders. Treatment with basil leaves, which can override heartburn, flatulence, colds, convulsions, lethargy and weight. In addition, the scent of basil can resist a mosquito bite.
Distilled basil used to address digestive disorders such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, stomach ulcers, and intestinal gas. Also , disorders of the head ( such as ear pain , fever , sore nasal passages , migraine ) , muscle disorders ( convulsions or cramps ) , and neurological disorders ( anxiety , depression , hysteria , nervous weakness , insomnia ) .
That's Benefits basil leaves and basil leaves Efficacy and many other contents in useful for the human body